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Event Beep


EventBeep is a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing recruitment and empowering job seekers while also offering upskilling courses and a peer-to-peer learning platform. For recruiters, we provide access to a curated pool of vetted candidates, and for job seekers, we connect them with tailored opportunities. Our platform fosters a dynamic learning ecosystem for continuous growth, including peer-to-peer learning and diverse online courses.

Founders background:
Saurabh, a seasoned entrepreneur with two successful exits and over 7 years of experience, brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Holding a COEP degree from Pune, he is joined by Aman Pawar, a seasoned CTO with a background in Dell and leading technology roles in startups. Together with Rakhi Pal, an accomplished COO and ex-founder of MentorBoxx from Cummins College with a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Delhi, they form a formidable team poised for success.

Market Size and Traction:
EventBeep addresses the significant gap in India's job market by providing mentorship opportunities, aiming to bridge the disparity between the 6.6 million graduates annually and the limited availability of high-paying jobs. EventBeep has already secured pre-orders from 450 institutions. Boasting an impressive ARR of 1.4 Crore, along with 126 brand partnerships, and serving over 1 million student users with 300k active users.

They require 1.13 million in funds for product development.

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